If you are currently taking, about to start or just finished a course of non-prescribed Anabolic Steroids or other Performance and Imaging Enhancing Drugs (PIEDs) then it’s time to get tested.
Roidsafe is a discreet pathology referral service. We don’t test for the presence of steroids in your body, we test for the potential impact of steroid use.
With our online service you enjoy 100% patient confidentiality. Even though the use of non-prescribed Anabolic Steroids or other PIEDs is illegal in Australia, there is no mandatory reporting requirement to report their use. You can trust us. Your confidentiality and safety is ensured and our service is 100% legal.
We understand the barriers preventing you speaking to your GP about steroid use. It can feel scary and awkward because of the legal implications. Even going to a GP to ask for certain tests, without mentioning the word ‘steroids’ can lead to a lot of questions. By removing the face-to-face side, Roidsafe is here to encourage you to get tested. We want you to make informed decisions about your health, and that starts with knowing what’s happening in your body.
With Roidsafe you don’t talk to a doctor, you don’t need to make multiple appointments that can be costly and time-consuming. You also don’t need to find a specialist testing facility. We give you a referral, you take it to a pathology collection centre and the results arrive to your phone. We hope the ease, speed and confidentiality of our process helps you get the tests you need more often.